Shaitan (Satan) wants only to excite enmity and hatred between you with intoxicants (alcoholic drinks) and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah and from As-Salat (the prayer). So, will you not then abstain? (Quran – 5:91)
Holy Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said:
“Alcohol is the mother of all Evils and it is the most shameful of all Evils”
Nearly 68,000 rape cases were registered across India during 2009-11 but only 16,000 rapists were sentenced to prison, presenting a dismal picture of conviction of sexual offenders.
(Adapted from “Acquaintance Rape and Alcohol Consumption on College Campuses,” by Antonia Abbey, PhD, Journal of American College Health. Vol. 39)
Alcohol use by the victim or perpetrator is frequently associated with acquaintance rape. In one study, 26 percent of the men who acknowledged committing sexual assault on a date reported being intoxicated at the time of the assault. An additional 29 percent reported being “mildly buzzed,” Thus, a total of 55Percent were under the influence of alcohol.
In UP, the figure touched 4,400 in 2009 in comparison to 2,850 in 2007. It Andhra Pradesh, 4,469 accidents were attributed to drunken driving in 2009 against only 2,432 in 2007.
33% of all road accidents at night (in Bangalore) are due to drink driving.
50% of Road accidents during weekend nights (in Bangalore) are attributed to drink driving.
The country, which has seen a rapid proliferation of city bars and nightclubs in recent years, is fast shedding its inhibitions about alcohol as a lifestyle choice.
Humans have been enjoying alcoholic beverages since prehistoric times. Alcohol has been celebrated in the Vedic hymns, Shaivism, Buddhism, Tantra, streams of Catholicism, and many indigenous animist and tribal traditions that celebrate alcohol in moderation.
- Inflammation of esophagus and stomach causing stomach upset and stomach bleeding
- bleeding lesions of stomach lining
- Increased acid secretion
- Shortening and lesions of intestinal villi
- Peripheral nerve damage-in chronic cases tingling, numbness sensation.
- Brain damage-progressive unsteady walking
- Thought problems-lasting for weeks or month after alcoholic binge.
- Sadness
- Anxeity
- Illusion
- Hallucination
- Hearing voices? These are called auditory hallucinations. It starts with buzzing in the ears and becomes voices saying unpleasant things
- Seeing crawling bugs? Delirium tremens: 2-5 days after alcohol withdrawal trembling starts, with nightmares usually of animals e.g. crawling insects. It only lasts a few days but because the experience is terrifying one could die by injuring themselves when they are confused.
- Generalized fits usually 10-12 hours after heavy drinking.
- Multiple fits (2-6 one time) are more common than single seizure.
“If half the pubs and bottle stores were closed, I guarantee that half the hospitals and jails will remain closed.”
Dr M Robertson (Clinical Associate Professor Centre for Values, Ethics & Law in Medicine (VELIM), School of Public Health) Sydney
- Islam took a clear attitude towards alcoholic drinks more than 1400 years ago. Islam prohibits such drinks. Any drink that causes drunkenness is prohibited in Islam regardless of the matter it is made from and regardless of the quantity.
- According to Islam, if too much of a drink causes drunkenness, then any small quantity of this drink is prohibited, because all alcoholics start with small quantities, then they become the slaves of alcohol.
- Islam does not only prohibit drinking alcoholic drinks, but also prohibits making them. Islam also prohibits carrying, selling, or buying such drinks. According to Islam, if something is prohibited, all means to it are also prohibited. The reason is that it is no use to forbid something and allow the means leading to it at the same time. If alcoholic drinks are prohibited, all means to them should be prohibited; Islam prohibits the making, transporting, importing exporting, buying, and selling and selling of such drinks.
The consumption of Alcohol can destroy families, communities and in fact a whole locality. Man commits such autrocious crimes in the state of being drunk which can only be described as babaric and ruthless. A life of a drunkard becomes hell and of all those connected with him. And remember, it’s an addiction. A few drops will lead to a glassful which in turn will lead to bottles. Then there will be no stopping.
So let us all say no to Alcohol, the mother of all evils.