Prophet Muhammed – An Ideal Personality
“Surely there is in the person of Allah’s messenger an excellent example for you-for every person who has hope in Allah and the Hereafter and remembers, Allah, reciting His name many times.” – Holy Qur’an Chapter 33 Verse 21
The holy Prophet himself was the best example of the good moral character to emulate, when he was giving a call to his followers. Before advising them to adopt a moral life by giving sermons and counsels, he was sowing the seeds of morality among his followers by actually living that kind of life.
Mere teachings and commands of Do’s and Don’ts do not form the foundation of good moral character in a society, because only these things are not sufficient for developing these good qualities in the human nature; a teacher may merely order to do such and such things and not to do such and such things. And the society becomes a moralist society. The teaching of good conduct which is fruitful requires long training and constant watchfulness.
The training cannot be on the right lines if the example before the society is not such that commands full confidence, because a person having a bad moral character cannot leave a good impression on his surroundings.
The best training can be expected only from such a man whose personality, by the force of its morality, would create a scene of admiration in the beholders. They would sing praises of his nobility and feel the irresistible urge to benefit from the example of his life. The world would spontaneously feel the urge to follow his footsteps.
For nourishing and developing more and more excellent good character among his followers it is necessary that the leader must possess higher and nobler character and attributes than his followers.
Abdullah Ibn Amar may Allah be pleased with him, says: “The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was neither ill-mannered nor rude. He used to say that the better people among you are those who are best in their moral character.” – (Bukhari)
Companion Anas may Allah be pleased with him, says: “I served the holy Prophet for ten years. He never said ‘Uf’ (expressing dissatisfaction), nor did he ever ask me why I did this or did not do that.” – (Muslim)
Prophet Muhammed’s PBUH teachings show that Islam had come to illuminate the lives of the people with the light of virtue and good manners, to create in them brightness of character, and to fill their laps with the pearls of good conduct. It made the stages that came in the process of achieving this great objective as an important part of the prophet hood.
Similarly it declared all attempts to create disruption in these stages as an expulsion from the religion and equivalent to throwing away the yoke of faith from one’s neck.
The position of morality is not like that of the means of pleasures and luxuries, from which indifference may be possible. But morality is the name of the principles of life which the religion must adopt and must care for the respect of its standard-bearers.
Islam has enumerated all these virtues and principles and has encouraged its followers to make them parts of their lives, one after another.
  • Another tradition has it: “They asked, what is the best thing given to a man?” He PBUH replied: “Best moral character.” -(Tirmizi)
  • The Prophet was asked: “Which Muslim has the perfect faith?” He PBUH answered: “He who has the best moral character.” – (Tibrani)
  • Abdullah bin’ Amar has reported: “I have heard the Prophet PBUH as saying: ‘Should I not tell you who amongst you is the most likeable person to me and who will be the nearest to me on the Day of the Judgment?  He repeated this question twice or thrice. The people requested him to tell them about such a person. He pbuh said ‘He who amongst you has the best moral character.“ – (Ahmed)
  • In another hadith, he has said: “On the Day of the Judgement there will be nothing weightier in the balance of a momin than the goodness of character. Allah dislikes an obscene and a rude talker and the bearer of a good moral character reaches to the level of the observer of the prayer and fasting, on account of his character.” – (Imam Ahmed)
  • Hazrat Anas has reported: “Allah’s Messenger has said: ‘A slave achieves, by means of the goodness of his character, great position and high honour in the Hereafter, though he may be weak in matters of worship; but on account of his wickedness of character he is thrown in the lowest recesses  of the Hell.”  – (Tibrani).
  • Hazrat Ayesha narrates: “I have heard the Prophet as saying: ‘Momin, by goodness of his character, achieves the high position of the one who observes fast and offers prayers.” – (Abu Dawood).
  • Abu Zar has narrated: “Successful is the man who had purified his heart for faith, kept his heart on the right lines, his tongue was truthful, his self was content, and his nature was on the right path.” -(Ibn Haban)
Of the habits and traits of the Prophet one trait was very well known that he was extremely philanthropic. He was never miserly in anything. He was very brave and courageous. He never turned away from Truth. He was justice loving. In his own decision he never committed any excesses or injustice. In his whole life he was truthful and an honest trustee.
Once he received seventy thousand dirhams. They were placed before him on the mat. He distributed them standing. He did not refuse a single beggar till he finished the entire amount.

The holy Prophet used to love his companions. He did not hate them. He respected every respectable man from any other nation, and he used to appoint him as a responsible officer over them. He used to be in search of his companions and gave them their shares. No companion thought that any other person was more respectable in the Prophet’s eye than the companion himself.

Any person who adopted his companionship or anybody who came to him for his need, he used to advise him to be patient, till he was satisfied. If anybody asked anything from him, he gave it to him or else talked to him so lovingly that he came back satisfied. The river of his kindness was flowing for every body. For his companions he was a guardian, and in matters of Truth all were equal in his eyes.
He was good-looking, decent, humble and soft hearted. He was not a narrow-minded and a hard person. Quarrelling was not his habit. He never spoke obscene words. To condemn others or to praise some one excessively was beyond the pale of his character. He expressed indifference towards unnecessary things, but he was never given to pessimism.
Companion Jarir bin Abdullah may Allah be please with him says: “Since the time I became a Muslim, the Prophet did not prevent me from entering (the house); whenever he looked at me, he smiled.”
Invitation from free men, male or female slaves, or poor persons were acceptable to him. He visited the ailing and invalid persons in the far-flung areas of Medina. He accepted the excuses of the really helpless people.
Holy Prophet’s (pbuh) companion Hazrat Anas (RA) says that if any person who whispered anything into his ears, he never removed his ear from his mouth unless the whisperer himself withdrew his mouth. Whenever anybody held his hand, he never tried to withdraw his hand unless the other man withdrew his. He always used to be the first to salute anyone who met him or to be first to shake hands with his companions. He never stretched his legs in the midst of his companions so that they may not be inconvenienced.
He gave new family names to his companions. In their honour, he used to call them by beautiful names. He never used to interrupt anybody’s talk till the speaker either stopped or stood up.

The Messenger of Allah liked fragrance and used perfumes many times.

The world was presented to him with all her allurements and amusements. Victories were won by his armies, but he was indifferent to luxuries and pleasures. He died in such a condition that his armour was pledged to another person.
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