The Arabic word ‘Allah’ is the proper name of God. It literally means ‘the One God’. The word Allah is unique and has no other word even remotely related to it. Simply put, in Arabic, God is called Allah. Allah, means the One God, the Creator, the Sustainer, the Designer of this universe. The fundamental attribute of the word Allah is that it is not subject to plurality. We all know that, in English, we can say God and we can also say Gods (remember the cult Gods must be crazy!) Whereas, in Arabic, there is no word that is equivalent to the English term Gods, nothing literally. In other words, there is no plural of Allah. This characterises the concept of monotheism in Islam.
Allah is the Merciful Lord, the One who guides us in our daily lives, it is He who we clinch to in times of need. He is the Supreme power. He is the one who we thank everyday many a times and ask for help. He is the one whom we will return to, as all slaves do at the end of the day. And then he will ask ‘ What have you been doing all through?’ Have you wondered what will be your answer?